Choy Gar

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Choy Gar/Caijia Quan 蔡家拳, Choy Family Fist is a Chinese martial art that was created by Choy Gau Yee蔡九儀 .

Having origins in the Southern Shaolin Temple it would be later combined with a variety of Snake Kung Fu to include lower stances and swifter footwork. Choy Gau Yee added more kicks to his style, thereby differentiating some of its longer range techniques from those of its Snake Kung Fu origins.

Some routines and theories

(cross pattern fist - 十字拳) 、

(Big Drum Heaven 大运天)

(Small Drumb Heaven 小运天) 、

(Heaven Horizon 天边雁)

(willow tree Broken Plum 柳碎梅)

(Four elephant Fist 四象拳) 、

(Fist elbow 拳肘手)

(Six Including Fist - 六连拳)

(100 Birds Turn Over Nest - 百鸟归巢)

(Single End Stick - 单头棍)

(Double End Stick - 双头棍)

(Choy Ga 3 Arrow Big Arrowhead and so on - 蔡家三矢大钯等)

(Fast & CLever - 快速灵巧)

(Agile and changeable - 敏捷多变)

(Disappears the body to borrow strength - 消身借力)

(Because Potential Advantage leading - 因势利导)

(Dodging skillfully - 闪化巧取)

(Man Can Only win with Skill - 只可以巧取胜)

Do not argue with extended arm - 不可以力争衡 Best to attack the side door - 所以着重偏门攻击

(Horse Stepping Triangle by Triangle Step Primarily - 马步以三角步为主)

(Bridge Horse of Hung Ga - 洪家讲桥马)

(Fast Hitting of Choy Ga - 蔡家讲快打)

(Formula Tactics 口诀有


Choy Gau Gung taught the founder of Jow Ga, Jow Lung.

Choy Fook taught the founder of Choy Li Fut, Chan Heung

A hybrid system known as Choy Mok 蔡莫派 (combination of Choy ga & Mok Ga) exists. - (Far Mei Sau Hand Form)

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